Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My 25 before 25 list.

I was on the blog Stuff Christians Like the other day, when I read Jon's article about his "40 before 40 list." I've decided to do one of my own here.

My 25 before 25

1. Run a half marathon.

2. Read all of C.S. Lewis' works.

3. Live in a community of believers.

4. Take dance lessons.

5. Publish a national article.

6. Write a novel.

7. Have a blog with a body of loyal followers.

8. Perform in a play.

9. Perform in a musical exhibition of some fashion.

10. Learn to speak French fluently.

11. Visit France.

12. Visit Australia and New Zealand.

13. Go on a mission trip.

14. Spend a forever-increasing amount of time with God.

15. Experience financial freedom and independence.

16. Lead someone to Christ.

17. Eat a consistently healthy diet with boundaries.

18. Establish a steady and constant exercise routine.

19. Learn American Sign Language.

20. Be placed on some sort of "Best Dressed" list.

21. Find a church body that I can experience fellowship and grow in Christ.

22. Graduate with a GPA over 3.6.

23. Learn to make clothing with a sewing machine.

24. Design and create an article of clothing that someone wants to purchase.

25. Read the entire Bible and memorize an entire book.


  1. Before 25?! Geez. That's a lot of countries, languages, and writing.

    do it.

  2. :) I totally support you in all of these goals!
    7. COMPLETE! (if you can call Beth and I a body)

    (Three people make a body)

  4. I love you guys. You should post your 25 before 25! :)

  5. number 19...that is awesome. I am intrigued by sign language.

  6. oh...that was me on my gmail account.
    also I may copy you...only with 30 before 30...b/c 25 is only 2.5 years...
    I guess that's do-able

  7. That makes sense for you. See, I'm about 6 months shy of 20, so I still have five and a half years to do all of this.

  8. I love this! Hmm. . . I might have to do my own.
    OH, and add me to that list of loyal followers :]
    I'll join you in #2. C.S. Lewis and I are going to be best friends in Heaven.
    10&11 = we will also conquer together. . .except I probably won't be able to speak french as fluently as you. . .but who knows! But we will be going to France together!
    #20 - you're already on my best dressed list.
    #21 - I need that in Marion.
    #25 - most def.

    je t'aime mon petit chou

  9. Go find a convent of literate, deaf, French nuns who forsook their habits in favor of designer scarves.
